December 2009 | Akoniti: "No Duster"

Thursday, December 17, 2009

A New Beginning

Christmas is almost here and then there will be New Years. My life is changing. Change is life. Saturday I will complete one of my lifetime goals: Black Belt. This is a milestone for me. Now that I am reaching this goal I need to set a new one. What will it be?! Of course I will continue to train in martial arts. First degree black belt is just the beginning. As I get older my training, both in martial arts and other areas, has changed. When I started out lifting, I wanted to get as big and muscular as I could. In reality I just got fat. Diet is THE most important element if I ever want to see my abs. I know I am rambling...Consistency of effort in both training and diet is the only way I can get what I want. Kinda like life in general, huh?

Monday, December 14, 2009

Emulate Success

A wise person once said :"Success is a planned event." When we combine our dreams with plans of action they become goals. Dreams are imaginary;Goals actually happen. Therefore, find a successful person in your field and follow their example. What did they study? What actions did they take? What books did they read? What people did they know?

Copy success. Have a plan.