November 2009 | Akoniti: "No Duster"

Monday, November 16, 2009

Yard Work: If your yard is big enough, you don't need a gym...

Six acres of trees, pond, creek, and land + remnant storm of Hurricane Ida = Lots of work! Seriously, I was very fortunate that the huge tree which broke in half did not hit my house or vehicles.
Last Wednesday night the tailend of Ida blew apart a tree in my front yard. My wonderful cousins T., M., and J (and others) have been coming over and helping with my place recently. Well, on Saturday T/M/J came over and M. used the chainsaw to cut up logs. J and myself hauled limbs, raked sticks, and split the oak into firewood.
We started around 9 or 10am and worked until 2:30pm I think. Wow! A few hours of physical labor is a great workout! And I got something accomplished.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sandbag Training and Homemade Bulgarian Training Bag

Lately I have been investigating "general physical preparedness" (GPP). Specifically sandbag training and Bulgarian Training bags. I looked around on the net and found a few tutorials on how to make your own implements.

Last night I made my first sandbag from an old canvas laundry bag. Actually I used pea gravel. It ended up being about 80 pounds.

Let the training begin!

[edit 11/11/2009]
The training tire/bag is 30lbs. The smaller sandbag is 65lbs. The heavier sandbag is 100lbs. I also got some chain and rope attached to old fence posts (to drag/pull). Finally, I have an old tire (free from an auto shop) and bought a 10lb. sledgehammer. I need to find a larger tractor tire to flip and I will almost be set...for now!